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John E. Sarno - The Mindbody Prescription : Healing the Body, Healing the Pain download DOC, TXT


Contending that most pain is psychosomatic, the author reveals how the emotions act on the brain to produce physical ailments and offers a therapeutic program focusing on reducing negative feelings., For pain sufferers everywhere, bestselling author Dr. John E. Sarno brings important new information about when, where, and how emotional factors affect physical well-being, and how this process can be reversed., Since the publication of Healing Back Pain, Dr. Sarno has learned important new information about the psychology of emotionally-induced physical conditions. He is now able to present a set of precise theories on when, where and how emotional factors bring on physical symptoms and, based on his experience, how this process can be reversed.In his last book, Dr. Sarno explained how TMS, or Tension Myositis Syndrome, is a major cause of back, neck and shoulder pain. He now shows that the treatment that works to lessen or alleviate it can be used on peptic ulcer, colitis, tension and migraine headache, hay fever, asthma, and a host of other disorders.In this new book, he discusses a number of new pain disorders that have become the basis for disability. Called RSD, or Repetitive Stress Disorders, they are part of TMS. They include carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, rotator cuff tear, bursitis, tendonitis of the shoulder and elbow, and pinched nerve in the neck.Case histories are used to illustrate both the psychology and mechanics of treatment in this new and noteworthy addition to the subject of pain.

The Mindbody Prescription : Healing the Body, Healing the Pain by John E. Sarno download ebook FB2, EPUB, DOC