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Read Efrem G. Mallach - Chapman and Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing: Information Systems : What Every Business Student Needs to Know in MOBI, DJV


Having the right information systems is vital to business success. And understanding how information systems make companies successful may be the most important professional skill a businessperson can have in the 21st century. With that in mind, this book covers organizations use information systems so that readers will be equipped to make the right decisions for their organizations."Part I" covers general concepts that will be helpful throughout your study of information systems."Part II" discusses IT: the technology foundations of information systems. It fills the gaps that everyone has when they learn through experience. "Part III" details the nitty-gritty of how real companies use real information systems to get the benefits you read about in Section 1.1. "Part IV" examines issues involved in selecting, developing and managing information systems. The book includes lists of key take-aways at the beginning of each chapter, "Where you fit in "paragraphs that explain the importance of particular topics throughout, and end-of chapter summaries, review questions and discussion questions. It also contains a running case study and two mini-cases at the end of each chapter demonstration how the subject of that chapter plays out in the real world. These features and more prepare students to become leaders in their chosen field., Most information systems textbooks overwhelm business students with overly technical information they may not need in their careers. Information Systems: What Every Business Student Needs to Know takes a new approach to the required information systems course for business majors. For each topic covered, the text highlights key "Take-Aways" that alert students to material they will need to remember during their careers. Sections titled "Where You Fit In" and "Why This Chapter Matters" explain how the topics being covered will impact students once they are on the job. Review questions, discussion questions, and summaries are also included in each chapter to reinforce learning. The book is presented in four parts: About Information Systems: covers general information systems concepts that students need to know as they learn about real-world information systems Technology Fundamentals: supplies a foundation in information technology that fills the gaps most students have when they learn through trial and error Information Systems at Work: details the nitty-gritty of how actual companies use information systems in the real word Managing Information Systems: addresses the issues involved in selecting, developing, and managing information systems The text includes a running case study that follows two management information systems majors in college. As the two main characters study the information systems of a medical practice, students follow along and learn valuable lessons as they see how the case plays out. In addition to the running case study, each chapter also includes two mini cases that illustrate the concepts discussed in that chapter. Maintaining a focus on the essential concepts students must know before entering the business world, this book covers the subject of information systems in a manner that students will find accessible., This textbook presents information systems in a manner that's accessible to students. It presents carefully selected content that covers the material all business professionals need to know. The book eliminates material that is of value only to information systems specialists, since the majority of students at most business schools are not IS majors. The book connects the content directly to students needs by showing how they, on the job in the future, will benefit personally from knowing it. Cutting-edge technology is also presented throughout the book."

Chapman and Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing: Information Systems : What Every Business Student Needs to Know download MOBI, PDF, EPUB

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