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Read online Florin Mariasiu - Green Energy and Technology Ser.: Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles : Advanced Simulation Methodologies TXT, DOC, DJV


This book is designed as an interdisciplinary platform for specialists working in electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles powertrain design and development, and for scientists who want to get access to information related to electric and hybrid vehicle energy management, efficiency and control. The book presents the methodology of simulation that allows the specialist to evaluate electric and hybrid vehicle powertrain energy flow, efficiency, range and consumption. The mathematics behind each electric and hybrid vehicle component is explained and for each specific vehicle the powertrain is analyzed and output results presented through the use of specific automotive industrial software (AVL Cruise, IPG CarMaker, AVL Concerto). This methodology of electric and hybrid powertrain design serves to broaden understanding of how the energy flow, efficiency, range and consumption of these vehicles can be adjusted, updated and predicted via development processes. "

Green Energy and Technology Ser.: Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles : Advanced Simulation Methodologies by Florin Mariasiu download ebook DJV, MOBI

An essential tool for building your dream garage, this book takes readers from inspiration to reality in engaging and easy-to-follow steps.Correlated to all three sections of the 2013 NATEF Task List Covers 100% of the MLR Tasks ASE-type questions in every chapter for certification preparation Technical information presented in an easy-to-read format New Engine Reassembly, Installation, and Break-in chapter Six new chapters on electricity and electronics Troubleshooting charts in each service chapter to support quick diagnosis Hybrid drive system service and technology found throughout the bookA foundational guide to navigating the new fuel markets Fuel Hedging and Risk Management: Strategies for Airlines, Shippers and Other Consumers provides a clear and practical understanding of commodity price dynamics, key fuel hedging techniques, and risk management strategies for the corporate fuel consumer.